New Tournament Rotation
We have been seeing locally a shift from the traditional Plate-Base-Off rotation to a Plate-Plate-Off-Base-Base-Off.
It has some advantages and some disadvantages.
Among the advantages and disadvantages based on my experience and as stated by others:
- Keeps the game schedule going, although the traditional practice of previous BU remaining for first few minutes while previous PU changes out never seemed to me to be an issue with the schedule
- Fewer equipment change outs, many feel strongly about this but changing out has never bothered me
- Loss of focus, my preference is to be as fresh as possible for any given assignment and have found that late in the second game in the repeat position close calls are more difficult to make
- Physical challenge, early in the season, it is not so much a problem doing back to back plates, but I think that many will struggle in the dog days of summer. And taking weather out of the equation, (at least for me), I would rather do 3 plates back to back than 2 bases back to back. The base game is harder on my back and feet than plate.
Anything to add?