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Old Mon Apr 15, 2013, 01:56pm
MD Longhorn MD Longhorn is offline
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Originally Posted by harmbu View Post
Here is the report I have typed up from a recent game. Should I submit it or let it go?

During the course of the game Mike ##### countinually talked to the catcher and hitter while pitches were being delivered. My catcher and my hitters both said that it was distracting. I told the players that they would just have to deal with it and do the best they could to ignore it because I did not want to risk upsetting an umpire during the game by asking him to stop. The varsity game went without major incidents. Before the beginning of the JV contest, Mr. ##### called me aside and tried to explain to me why he and his partner had made a particular call during the varsity game. I listened and moved on respectfully. Between innings during the JV game, Mr.##### began talking to me again (very loudly) in front of players. During this conversation he used the most vulgar of language which prompted me to walk away and avoid the situation. After returning to the dugout an inning later my assistant coach, without knowing about the previous incident related to me what Mr. ##### had said to him. He had used the same language in front of the other team's dugout where kids were standing. The language I am referring to is the "F-word". I do not ever use this word and I do not allow my players to use it or any other curse words. I am very disturbed that an umpire who is supposed to be an example to young men would be allowed to throw this word around like it is acceptable in front of high school students. I am certain that if a coach or player used this word when speaking to Mr. #####, they would be ejected from the game and forced to miss additional games.
I would. It's guys like this guy that give the rest of us a bad name.
I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, 'I drank what?'”

West Houston Mike
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