Originally posted by Striker991
No wonder we have such a lack of community in our neighborhoods. I really didn't think I would get such a backlash on this issue. Little League is an organization that provides an opportunity for ALL kids to be able to play. It is a non-profit organization set up to benefit our community. Why should we pay umpires when coaches, managers, fund-raisers, concession workers, board members, and other volunteers aren't getting paid? What makes umpires so high and mighty that their services are worth more than others?
The local league provides adequate equipment for volunteer umpires that cannot afford their own. And, they do not expect complete attire for umpires just starting out. When complete attire is required, leagues, when asked, will assist umpires in completing that requirement (for tournaments, playoffs, etc.).
Umpires are no better than anyone else. What happened to giving something to the community in which you live? BTW, I purchase my own equipment and attire. When I upgrade or replace, I donate to my local league or sell it at a reduced price to umpires just starting out so they won't have to spend so much to begin with.
You guys make it sound like umpires are special and should be treated differently than the other people volunteering in the organization. They aren't. If you want to get paid, don't do Little League. If you want to volunteer your time to a worthy organization, then do Little League. If a league sets up a fee schedule in opposition to the statement in the rule book, then step up, return the fee, or donate it.
Greymule, you sound like my kids. So what? Somebody cheated. That makes it okay for me not to assist the less fortunate. When those types of programs are available, someone will find a way to cheat it. Does that mean we shouldn't have them? Of course not.
Our communities would be much better off if we had MORE volunteers of goods and services. I can see from the responses on this thread the very reason we do not. Greed.
People EXPECT payment every time they perform a service for their community. People aren't community oriented anymore. This is why we are seeing declining memberships in service organzations like the Lion's Club, the Moose Lodge, Shriners, the Rotary Club, etc.
I don't expect an answer, and I don't want one. It is none of my business. But, ask yourself, what do I do that benefits my community on a volunteer basis? If you are involved, great! If not, why not?
Soap Box, once again, vacated.
(Gosh, you guys really know how to get me going...)
BTW, I really do appreciate everything I learn from all of you.. Thank you. This board allows great discussions of some very interesting topics, and the differences of opinion sure makes one think of all the viewpoints!
I understand your point of view in regard to volunteering to help the youth and the community. I just think you misunderstand the comments made, or maybe I do.
IMO, Lil' League is not just a community level program which involves ALL volunteers. It is a set of rules which baseball is played under. Not all Lil' League Programs are on a volunteer basis. I personally don't agree with Volunteer Officiating. The flack and heartache you receive by trying to offer a service to the kids and to the community are NOT appreciated by most parties (meaning coaches, parents) involved. Quality officials do their homework and strive to be the best and do the best they can and, IMO, deserve to be compensated. If it were simply a volunteer association, have a parent come out in their jeans and yankees shirt and call balls/strikes, outs/safes.
I see nothing wrong with Officials getting paid for providing a service which helps to educate youth in the rules of baseball, represent the game with professionalism, and enforce the rules of the game with integrity, honesty, and commitment.
I want to add one more thing, we don't get paid THAT much!!