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Old Sat May 24, 2003, 03:26am
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Re: As a matter of fact...

I am a little league umpire. I am very active in my district, and work with a volunteer umpires association that does nothing but Little League, as well as doing games for our local Little League. As I cannot do games the first week of every month because of my occupation, I have only done about 40 games this season. I do anything from majors to seniors, both softball and baseball.

Nothing wrong with that. But understand that it does not apply to all areas.

Your quote:

"Actually, we talked about getting paid after he went to the payer, after the game."

I am making the assumption that "we" refers to both of you. Since you do get paid, I assume that you feel that you should get paid.

What is wrong with that?

Again, no third degree. I am just stating that at the local level, Little League IS a volunteer organization. No one else gets paid, why should umpires? Compared to fund-raising, coaching, managing, being on the board, etc, time involved in umpiring is relatively small. That's why I chose umpiring over the other volunteer positions available.

Do you think the Park Districts do not get compensated for LL using their facilities? You think the Electric Company says, "we know you are a volunteer organization, you will not pay us any money to run the lights for your league? Or do you think the Water company says, "we do not take money from volunteer organizations?" I think you know the answer to that.

We all have opportunities to make money umpiring for other organizations (ASA, City Rec, Babe Ruth, High School, College, State Junior, etc). We umpire Little League to support our communities and our kids. We shouldn't get paid. We are supported in other ways, though, like District rules and mechanics clinics, payment of tuition to Regional camps, a cheeseburger and a coke, bottled water, etc.

If you take that premise, we could say that all those levels help our kids too. Umpires are independent contractors in most situations. I have never been a member of Little League when I was doing it. I actually worked for the local Park District who provided the umpires for all the Park District game affiliated levels, many you listed.

Don't take money from the kids whose only opportunity and exposure to baseball is through Little League. Many of these kids wouldn't be able to play without it, as their skill level or financial level wouldn't allow them to be competitive in other leagues.

When LL does not have to pay everyone else for services used, then I and other umpires might consider your plea. But until then, that is what fundraisers should be trying to accomplish, paying the umpires to do a job.

We are a small district, yet 25% of our umpires have been chosen at one time or another to participate in regional tournaments. And, we are ALL volunteer.

And that is wonderful for those that want to do any tournament level ball. But for those that might do LL every once in a while, that might not make sense.

By your thinking, all positions in Little League should be paid. Come to think of it, all positions in all volunteer organizations should be paid. The purpose of volunteering is to provide services that would otherwise have to be paid for and would take away funds that could do much more good elsewhere.

I think you are taking the volunteer role too far. Little League, just like any other organization pays people to do jobs that benefit the organization. I am sure if a field is built to play on, they folks that build it do not do it all for free.

If you think you should be paid, fine. Work city league, or Babe Ruth, or State Junior, or High School, or ASA, and on and on and on....just don't work Little League and expect payment.

If you do not want to take money, you do not have to. But please do not expect everyone to take your position on this issue. If you ask me you position is rather shortsighted. Because you are also not taking into consideration, if umpires are not expected to ever get paid with LL, they will go to other leagues to accomplish getting paid. Then you might have no one to umpire LL at all. One of the many reasons I personally do not do it anymore. With all the headaches LL already provides to the average umpire, suggesting they not get paid is not looking a the big picture in my opinion.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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