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Old Fri May 23, 2003, 09:51pm
sprivitor sprivitor is offline
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Posts: 69
Situation: R1 at first. Batter hits to F4. F9 is playing very close to F3 infield position. Batter hits between first and 2nd. Both F4 and F9 are making a play on the ball directly in the path between first and second base. Ball hit is between the 2 players and both reaching for ball when R1 splits F4 and F9 and flips over both F4 and F9. F4 comes up with the ball. R1 is on ground in pain and play continues until a tag is made (about 15 seconds after the collision) and R1 is out.

Is F4 protected or can both F4 and F9 be protected on this play as far as interference is concerned? Or, if only one is protected, then could obstruction be the call?

Umpire didn't rule either and went with the tag out but stated he should've called interference.

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