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Old Thu Apr 04, 2013, 06:31pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally Posted by dysfunctional View Post
Thanks. We were trying to find something in the rulebook last night... cause it was new to us. It's difficult to contest a rule you can't find in the rulebook during the game. This Umpire crew made it so blatantly obvious they had it out for me last night. I had protested my previous game, based on a rule that I was supposed to follow... but isn't in our league rule book. My good pitchers were pitched out because of the blatantly biased strike zone for the other team. I had to bring in kids that aren't pitching material... of course HBP's are going to happen Einstein.
You are probably getting umpires in many cases that are either not as well trained or are doing it for some money or other reasoning. I know someone (on this site) will say umpires at that level are not paid, but that is not often the case when it comes to in-house leagues. So that leaves the level of training called into question and if someone is not paid, they may be working because they could not get a better "gig."

As it was said this is youth sports, believe it or not most umpires really are not clamoring for LL games in the first place.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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