Got to love JV coaches
Last night, bottom of 7th, home team down 8-6, runner on 1st, 2 outs. Runner stealing on the pitch, batter swings and foul tips ball. I give foul tip signal and the hammer. Runner standing on 2nd, SS has ball after throwdown. Runner steps off bag and starts walking back toward 1st and gets tagged out to end inning. Coach is ticked, says it was foul and runner has to return. I explain it was not foul, it was a foul tip which is live ball, runner stepped off bag and was tagged out. Coach is not happy.
Tonight, runner on 1st stealing on pitch. Batter foul tips it straight back, runner easy stand up into 2nd with no throwdown. I move on around 2nd behind SS, ball is thrown back to pitcher in circle and she is fooling around smoothing out the dirt. All of a sudden runner walks off bag back toward 1st and I call her out for a lookback violation. Here comes coach, that was foul ball. No coach it was a foul tip. But the plate umpire didnt call anything. The plate umpire gave the foul tip signal and the hammer. But he didnt call it foul. Thats because it wasnt foul, it was a live ball. But I told the runner to go back. Gee, Im sorry coach, I guess we should give a mulligan because you told the runner to step off the base?
And best for last, same team tonight. AZ now has a 15 run ahead rule after 3 1/2 innings at the option of the coach who is behind. Middle of the 4th comes around, home coach comes out to my partner and tells him that is game. My partner is befuddled and looks at coach and says that isnt 15 runs. Coach looks at him and says, yes it is, score ia 18-11, 18 is 3 more than the 15 required for the run rule.
And these coaches are also teachers who are teaching our kids?????