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Old Sun Mar 31, 2013, 07:32pm
jicecone jicecone is offline
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Did you do your job and act in a professional manner at all times?

That is what is important. I know in my state if an ejection took place we are required to file a report within 48 hours. You are to state exactly what took place, what rule was in violation and the penalty assessed. Report all pertinent conversations and STICK to the facts PERIOD. They alone should be sufficient enough for one to discern what was actually said.

This is America, the coach has every right to speak to whoever he feels like and don't ever take a game with his team again if you don't think you can be totally impartial, fair or professional or are going to hold a grudge against this coach. If that is the case you are doing a great disservice to yourself and the umpiring profession.

If you do you job by the book, then you should not blink an eye about what was said unless it causes you to lose games and/or financial damages. Then handle it professionally with a lawyer.
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