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Old Fri Mar 29, 2013, 08:38am
Raymond Raymond is offline
Courageous When Prudent
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Originally Posted by SE Minnestoa Re View Post
I am only a high school official but if the officials by rule have to stop the clock for .1 of a second to check the clock, then the rule is bogus.

If they stopped the clock on their own, then it is on them. When a team is out of timeouts, I think we have to do everything on in our power to not have a stoppage that is equivilent to a time out.

Could you image Thad Motta's response if Arizona would have hit a three after the stoppage?
Clock stops anyway on all made baskets in the final 1:00 of the 2nd half and OT.

Now THAT'S a rule I would like NFHS to adopt long before they consider adopting a shot clock.
A-hole formerly known as BNR
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