Originally posted by Tim C
Is a greater "leeway" extended if home plate is involved?
It just seems to me that I have seen a much larger allowance when say, the plate is missed and the tag is missed, and the catcher/base runner "dance" begins.
I have greater leeway during the slide and the runner's attempt to tag the plate/base. However, I don't have a greater leeway when the "dance" begins.
When on his feet and attempting to avoid a tag during his attempt to reach a base, if the runner "dances" around a tag, then I'll make him adhere to the the basepath rule. While he is dancing it's an obvious attempt to avoid---and to continue to avoid---the fielder's tag. During a slide attempt, it's certainly an attempt to avoid a tag, but it's generally a single move of the slide where he merely misses the base.
Whle tucktheump speaks of the runner leaving the plate and then returning, that action should not be confused with the definite action of attempting to avoid a tag. Such a player leaving the plate would become subject to appeal----even if he should attempt a later return to the plate. If the catcher attempts to tag him during his return to the plate, the runner is still subject to maintaining his path directly to the plate when played upon. Nothing has changed regarding maintaining his basepath during a tag attempt.