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Old Wed Mar 27, 2013, 01:59pm
Manny A Manny A is offline
Stirrer of the Pot
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Location: Lowcountry, SC
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Originally Posted by Spence View Post
If you have this type of situation what are you looking at in order to determine if it's intentional? Are you giving the benefit of the doubt to the defense?
I would look for things like:
- R1 changing direction and going right at F4 instead of toward second base
- R1 stopping in front of F4 to shield his view of the ball, and then jumping out of the way at the last second
- R1 grabbing F4 or slapping at F4's glove as F4 tries to tag him
- R1 kicking the ball away

Essentially, as Mike said, I would make the call if R1 does something that doesn't appear to be a bonafide effort to achieve second base. That does not include stopping or heading back to first base.
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