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Old Tue Mar 26, 2013, 04:58am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by seanwestref View Post
According to my understanding, it is goaltending whenever the ball is blocked in its downward flight, above the rim, and has a chance to go in.

However, after reading the rules a few times, I am still confused. Is a dunk attempt considered a try? Can you explain it to me?

Also, I didn't see any wording about an "imaginary cylinder", can you point out where it says that?
You are starting to get the point. Can you find where in the definition of dunking the ring is mentioned?

Picture this play: A1 jumps and has the ball in his right hand. He raises the ball to a height of 12 feet. He is holding it two feet in front of the basket and now throws it downward with great force. The ball is headed towards the basket and will likely go in when a nearby defender jumps and bats the ball away. What call do you make?