Originally Posted by JRutledge
The C is probably doing some other things than worrying about what a coach on the other end is saying. And if the T hears him, that is his threshold that is making him decide if he wants to do something. You should know that we all do not get upset about the same things even if something you personally find over the top. I do not even see someone saying, "That's terrible" as even on my radar. There will be a lot of worse things I might have to address and that comment would be child's play.
What else would the C be doing on the dead balls between the free throws? I have my partner's back on that one and I would expect my partner to do the same. "That's awful" in plain view of everyone in the gym four times would be an automatic here. The things the officiating community has come to accept from coaches....
"To learn, you have to listen. To improve, you have to try." (Thomas Jefferson)