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Old Sun Mar 24, 2013, 02:24pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by NewYorker View Post
One question I have. The defensive player is clearly not set before the offensive player has initiated his shot. The offensive player has to be given a chance to change directions to avoid the contact. He is not. You can clearly see that the defensive player is moving into position as the offensive player is beginning his jump into the air.

It should not matter if he is in the restricted area or not, it should be a blocking foul, no?

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Beginning to jump would equate to the upward movement criterion of the NBA rules. However at the NCAA level the defender has until the offensive player becomes airborne, which means both feet no longer in contact with the floor. So watch It again and judge it by NCAA rules to Determine this aspect of the play.
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