Originally Posted by Camron Rust
I don't think it was interrupted.
But, on the original point, since the dribbler gains BC status by stepping in the BC, does it then become, technically, a dribble from BC to FC. We have a dribble, we have a dribbler, that dribbler is in the BC. When does a dribbler who is in the BC gain FC status? Is that perhaps the spirit of the rule? That would also cover most cases of a dribbler stepping on the line.
He began his dribble in the frontcourt in the video. He touched the backcourt after releasing the ball then when he touched the ball again he was no longer touching the back court.
I understand what you're trying to ask but 3-points doesn't apply to this play as he never dribbled while in the back court. Now if you are saying is should be a BC violaton b/c he stepped in the backcourt DURING his dribble I can understand the logic.