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Old Thu Mar 21, 2013, 06:28am
EsqUmp EsqUmp is offline
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Originally Posted by youngump View Post
When you're done with that, could you find me the rule where it says that after a runner who has scored and then picks up the bat is entitled to put it down instead of carrying it around for the rest of the game?
Esq, it is a well established canon of rulebook construction, that things not forbidden are generally permitted and that assuming something not actually in the book requires a higher burden. If you believe that a retired runner who enters the dugout is somehow different from a retired who scales the backstop, you have to show us the rule.
This is an excellent example of one's lack of reading comprehension.

The rule states who can be out of the dugout. That means if the rule doesn't allow it, it isn't permitted.

"Shall not be outside...except." That means, "Are required to be inside in all other circumstances." What is so hard to understand?

Again, I am going to employ common sense and wouldn't even consider interference unless there was some overt act causing the defense to react. With that said, the retired runner is prohibited by rule to come out of the dugout. There is not exception that you can point to that allows her to be outside. She isn't a coach in the coach's box, an on-deck batter in the on-deck circle, a batter in the batter's box, a defender in a defensive position, etc.
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