Way to change your original premise. Here's what you first wrote:
Originally Posted by Insane Blue
Yes it is illegal in the OP. Once you enter the Dugout area (leave the field of play) you may not go back and retouch a missed base including home plate. after the play is completed she may re-enter to pick up the bat or to go coach but once she entered the dugout during live ball play she can not return until the ball is dead. you could rule interference 8-7-p
Nothing about drawing a throw or letting another runner advance. I don't think that anyone said this could never be interference, rather that the player would have to actually interfere with something before it was.
I don't care if your initials are KR, I think that using 8-7-N to classify this player as "bench personnel" is pretty sketchy. There's nothing in that rule that addresses the status of the player as being "bench personnel".
What if...bases are loaded. Ball is hit, three runners score. Before leaving the field, the three runners all circle third base to make the play on the batter-runner harder for the defense.
By the logic offered, these three scored runners would all be considered as bench personnel. But your point was that they had to enter the dugout first, then come back out. It just isn't consistent. And, like the retouch of home in the first post, it's probably moot.
Why not just call this player a "retired/scored runner". The penalty is the same if she interfers- runner closest to home is out.