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Old Tue Mar 19, 2013, 01:28pm
Manny A Manny A is offline
Stirrer of the Pot
Join Date: Aug 2000
Location: Lowcountry, SC
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Originally Posted by dinoian View Post
How can I help convince him that allowing players to run through bases where the only play is a tag play is a bad idea and would more likely lead to injuries, or an unfair advantage for the runner?
Discuss with him this scenario: Runner at second tags up on a fly ball to center field. He's going to run through the third safety base as the ball comes in. The throw is slightly off line, causing the third baseman to move towards the safety base. The runner can't adjust in time to use the regular base, and CRASH!

No thanks. Get rid of those safety bases at second and third. I've seen plenty or adult slow pitch and rec ball games involving some pretty unskilled players, and they do just fine without them. I've seen some older adult leagues that use a second home plate to prevent collisions with the catcher. But I just don't see the benefit of allowing runners to run through bases at second or third.
"Let's face it. Umpiring is not an easy or happy way to make a living. In the abuse they suffer, and the pay they get for it, you see an imbalance that can only be explained by their need to stay close to a game they can't resist." -- Bob Uecker
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