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Old Sun Mar 17, 2013, 01:38pm
BillyMac BillyMac is offline
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Originally Posted by JRutledge View Post
People in my areas stopped wearing belts because of how bad they looked when you were the only one wearing them.
Here in my little corner of Connecticut, we wear both, no one stands out on either side of the issue, unlike some posters on the Forum, who believe wearing a belt seems to be, in some manner, associated with inferior officiating, which I'm sure it is in some associations, where the dress code is stricter. It just isn't an issue here. Really.

Originally Posted by JRutledge View Post
I have never heard or seen anyone care what kind of lanyard someone wears. I haven't warn a Smitty lanyard in years and cannot think that anyone even noticed.
Agree, just giving an example of another choice that we are given.

Originally Posted by JRutledge View Post
Who cares about style of your whistle if it makes enough noise to be heard when you need to be heard.
We have to use a pealess whistle, period, no exceptions. The brand, or style, of pealess whistle is up to us, but it has to be a pealess. And I did switch from one Fox style, to another, to be heard.

Originally Posted by JRutledge View Post
People did not buy the shoes to be flashy. People bought the shoes because they were comfortable, period.
I never said that they did. I did say that I thought that the patent leather would be too flashy for me because I normally dress very conservatively. I wore Zig patent leathers last week for the first time and felt like Fred Astaire (ask your parents, or grandparents) out there. I'm sure that I'll get used to it after a few games next season.

Originally Posted by JRutledge View Post
I do not believe that anyone has said "you must wear this or else."
My own local board says so: Black dress pants, not sweat pants, or any other style, no exceptions. Pealess whistle, no others allowed, no exceptions. 100% black shoes, no exceptions. Local board jacket, no others allowed, no exceptions, other than both officials not wearing a jacket. Black socks, no exceptions. For those that wear an undershirt that shows above the jersey neckline, it must be black, no exceptions. For those that wear a belt, a black belt, no large buckles, no exceptions. No jewelery, with an exception for wedding bands. With an exception for rookie "cadets", we must wear a jersey with an IAABO patch, either a jersey with an embroidered patch, or a jersey with a patch that we've had sewed on, no other exceptions.

There's a lot more to a good official than unbelted, pleated pants, Smitty lanyards, Fox 40 whistles, and shiny shoes. I believe that JRutledge, and I, are on the same page on that point. And, as usual, there may be exceptions when one checks their local listings.

Here in my little corner of Connecticut, there are good officials that wear unbelted, pleated, pants, Smitty lanyards, with Fox 40 whistles, and shiny shoes, and there are bad officials that wear unbelted, pleated, pants, Smitty lanyards, with Fox 40 whistles, and shiny shoes, in addition to good officials that wear belted, flat, pants, noose lanyards, with Fox 40 whistles, and flat black shoes, and bad officials that wear belted, flat, pants, noose lanyards, with Fox 40 whistles, and flat black shoes.

Bottom line, I'm just sick and tired of a few Forum members, based on their own local customs, equating black belts with inferior officiating. I observed some of my local colleagues work state championship final games this weekend, with belted pants, that would probably officiate circles, with their hands tied behind their backs, around a few Forum members, including me.

Of course, we mostly work two person games here in the Land That Time Forgot, but we no longer wear Byron collars.
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Last edited by BillyMac; Sun Mar 17, 2013 at 05:35pm.
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