Trying to stick closely to your play I offer the following:
Rather than pick apart any of your post I think we should review the "pickle" play "with help".
It looks like your crew handled the play about 95% correct.
I say 95% probably because of how you wrote the post rather than the play itself.
1) We know that the ultimate test is for both umpires to team up on the "pickle" play. Again, I do not care if you say "I got this end!" or "I got this half!" -- at least you're communicating.
2) As we know from previous posts a base runner establishes his own base path during the play. We also know that the baseline is then 6' "wide". We recognize that a player can take even a couple of steps and still not be out of the (newly established) baseline.
3) We know that as a player ends his quest and reaches a base there is no way he can be out of the baseline, if he is anywhere near the base. (i.e. if he was too far away I would hope a tag could be easily applied). Bob Jenkins has nailed this part of the play.
4) We know from experience that the umpire "facing the play" (again sorry, i.e. the umpire which is located to where the play is coming) will make the final "safe" or "out" call.
5) We also know (here comes your -5%) that neither umpire should "chase" the play. Once both ends are covered you keep the play between you but never get too close that it appears that if you were handed a glove you could join the fray. By your post I think maybe you chased????
6) Last we know that you did correct by "holding your tongue" . . . the call "out of the baseline" is a call that is reserved for a clearly violated action NOT invasive in action. I am not saying "Make the Expected Call" but I am saying that the violation would have to be obvious to everyone before it is called.
So Tony, your instincts did great in letting the play happen and staying clear.
Good job.