Can someone please proofread this stuff before posting it or at least before it is reposted 5 years later? In addition to looking poor, the use of improper grammar and improper language can change the meaning of a statement. There should also be consistency when writing "1B" versus "first base" and "3rd out" versus "third out."
We have had several questions in regard to the ability to make a “fourth out appeal.” We have included in this month’s Plays and Clarifications our posting about this rule from March 2008. We are sure these questions are coming up because of similar questions on the National Umpire Exam that have to do with a fourth out appeal. Hopefully a review of this posting will refresh everyone’s memory.
The question of a fourth out appeal has been raised again and the ability to appeal a batter-runner not making it to first base or missing first base as a fourth out appeal to nullify a run that has scored. We need to remember that the reason the fourth out appeal was added to our rules was to penalize a runner for missing a base or leaving a base too soon and who has scored, not to penalize a team for a batter-runner just stopping on the way to 1B because the third out has been recorded. How many times have we seen the batter-runner stop when the third out was recorded because they do not have to run to 1B anymore? The same is true when they do run to 1B but miss it when going to 2B or just overrunning the base. In those cases, they can be appealed for the third out but not the fourth out. The rule was made to nullify a run scored by a runner who violated a rule like missing a base or leaving a base too soon.
Play: R1 on 3B and R2 on 2B with 1 out. B4 hits a fly ball to F8, who catches it for the 2nd out. R1 and R2 both tag up but R1 leaves early. R1 scores and R2 is thrown out for the third out. The defense wants to appeal R1 for leaving too soon.
Ruling: If appealed properly, R1 is out and the run is nullified by our Fourth out appeal. Rule 5 section 5 C
Play: R1 on 3B and R2 on 2B with two outs. B4 hits a ground ball on which R1 scores before R2 is tagged out between 2B and 3B for the third out. B4 never runs all the way to 1B because the third out has been recorded. Now the defense wants to appeal the batter-runner not reaching 1B.
Ruling: This appeal will not be granted since the third out has already been recorded. To nullify a run, the fourth out appeal has to be on a runner who has scored and either has missed a base or left a base too soon.
Remember, the defense always has the opportunity to appeal a force out or the batter-runner not making it to 1B as the third out before making the third out somewhere else. Once the third out is made elsewhere, a fourth out appeal has to be made on a runner who has scored and THAT runner has violated a rule.
Kill the Clones. Let God sort them out.
No one likes an OOJ (Over-officious jerk).
Realistic officiating does the sport good.