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Old Tue Mar 12, 2013, 07:08pm
EsqUmp EsqUmp is offline
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Originally Posted by Manny A View Post
But suppose he simply never saw a complete normal swing of the pitch, one that was so obvious that there was no need for an appeal to the base umpire. And when the defensive coach came out a couple of pitches later to argue that the batter had struck out, the PU checks with his partner, and his partner verifies that the batter swung at the second pitch.

I know a checked swing cannot be appealed after a subsequent pitch is delivered. But what about this situation? Can the count be changed at that point if the PU agrees he never saw the swing? Or is it too late since there was a pitch (in fact, two of them in this game) delivered afterward?
As an umpire who is evaluating other umpires, I would be a bit more selective and careful when choosing terminology.

With that said, you cannot go for help or make an appeal after a pitch has been thrown.
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