Originally Posted by AtlUmpSteve
Just for grins and giggles ......
Can anyone come up with a play, be it even third world, where the "first play in the infield" philosphy, not a batter-runner, would apply to a second base advanced to during the play?
Even if a short fly falls between F6 and F8 (happens all the time), would it matter which one picked up the ball to make a play at third? Even if R1 on 2nd and R2 on first (making this a force play), I would STILL expect PU to make the call at third, without regard to which player picked it up to throw.
I suspect that after wordsmithing and micromanaging the concept, it would be better described as an "initial and immediate play BY an infielder". Because in all these instances, the initial play was the attempt to field the pop-up.
Okay, how about this one:
R1 at first, less than two outs. Batter bunts the ball up the first base line. F3 comes in and lets the ball roll, hoping it goes foul. When it looks pretty obvious that the ball is going to stay fair, F3 picks it up and sees that R1 is trying for third. F3 throws to F6 covering third.
Still the PU's call at third?