Originally Posted by DeputyUICHousto
In Co-Ed in order to maintain the male/female batting order the batter who batted out of order is not negated. That out stands.
My apologies if I inadvertantly gave the wrong answer. I was thinking that back when the new rules were announced last year, there was a discussion that the "comment" following the rule change was not accurate and would be amended.
Good thing I don't do co-ed slow pitch!
Now I have to wonder what the actual printed rule will look like (won't have my rule book for a couple of weeks). If it appears exactly as shown above, there's nothing in the rule that specifically says the out is enforced in co-ed.
The "comments" explaining the rule change generally don't get included with the published rule. Minus the comment, for co-ed the rule only says, "Negate the out and skip the batter". It doesn't say, "Enforce the out and skip the batter".