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Old Tue May 20, 2003, 07:44am
mikesears mikesears is offline
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Location: Bloomington, IL
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Play 1:
1/10 @ A-20 with 1:00 remaining in Q4 score A: 14, B: 7. A7 hands the ball to A23. B99 breaks through a block and approaches A23. Instead of attempting to tackle A23, B99 raises his hand and strike downward on the ball. In other words, the ONLY contact made is B99's hand striking the ball. A23 fumbles and B99 recovers at the A-18. Results?

Play 2:
4/4 at the B-6 with :10 remaining in Q4. Score is A: 10, B: 14. A23 is running the ball and B94 begins a tackle at the B-5. Seeing that A23 won't make the line to gain or score a touchdown, A7 runs up to A23 and bats the ball from behind sending the ball out of bounds at the B-1. There are :02 remaining. Results?

Mike Sears
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