Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
Maybe you have issues with umpires who are too lazy to watch the ball, but I am not aware of any situation where 3U would have to look over their shoulder to find the ball, outside or inside. So, you keep talking about something that should never happen with an umpire utilizing the proper mechanics.
If the ball is hit down the right field line, then the umpire's face has a tendency to be facing away from the ball when the umpire is inside the diamond. Yes, a competent umpire can look over his shoulder to see the ball.
If the umpire is inside the diamond, the runner has just rounded 2nd base and the right fielder is picking the ball up near the line, it is IMPOSSIBLE to see all of the elements at one time once the runner nears the shortstop area.
My point is that if the umpire stays outside the diamond, he is always facing the ball. Rather than finding the ball, it is always there in front of him.
All things being equal, I'd rather the ball be in front of my rather than look back to it.
Changing the play again, let's say there is a play at 2nd base and the umpire properly stayed outside in the NCAA game. Great - take two or three steps in and make the call. However, I don't buy that nonsense that you can't predict where the play is. That's what umpires do all the time. I can tell you there won't be a play at 2nd base if the right fielder dove for a ball on the line, missed it and it ends up against the outfield fence. Either the runner is going to 3rd base or she is the so inept that she is stopping at 2nd base with no play.