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Old Wed Feb 27, 2013, 07:35am
EsqUmp EsqUmp is offline
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Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA View Post
All of this because some major leaguers fail to perform at a little league level in a single instance.

To me, that makes no sense. And I do not buy the reasoning. An umpire shouldn't be looking over his/her shoulder anytime even on the inside. If they are, their mechanics are questionable, at best. I'll take the ease of gaining angles at either base and still be in a position to keep all the elements in front of me.
With no runners on, if 1BU chases on a ball to right field and the ball gets passed the right fielder and the BR attempts a triple, the ideal position is to remain outside the diamond for the play at 3rd base. Should there be a rundown, it also results in one umpire being inside the diamond (plate umpire) and one remaining outside the diamond, which is preferable for a rundown.

I'm not saying it is impossible to get the call right at 3rd base if 3BU comes inside. I'm saying that it is easier to stay outside. Coming inside offers no advantage. You don't need a protractor to realize that the angle is better staying outside than coming inside. Staying outside gives you a wider, clearer and easier view of the playing field, right fielder, runner and ball.

This is if there is no initial play on the BR at 2nd base.
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