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Old Tue Feb 26, 2013, 10:14pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Sep 2000
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Originally Posted by EsqUmp View Post
The base umpire no longer signals the closed fist on a caught third strike. Now, he only points to the ground on a dropped third strike. This was not updated in the manual.
All of this because some major leaguers fail to perform at a little league level in a single instance.

With no runners on base, if 1BU chases, 3BU only moves to the calling position at 2nd base if a play is developing there. Otherwise, 3BU remains outside the diamond and would take BR into 3rd base staying outside rather than looking over his shoulder for the ball coming from right field.
To me, that makes no sense. And I do not buy the reasoning. An umpire shouldn't be looking over his/her shoulder anytime even on the inside. If they are, their mechanics are questionable, at best. I'll take the ease of gaining angles at either base and still be in a position to keep all the elements in front of me.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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