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Old Tue Feb 26, 2013, 10:20am
Tio Tio is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 463
This was a difficult game to referee. Self got a Tech 2 minutes in (hopefully the video will post below).

1. We cannot have a no-call on the crash at the end of the game. IMO, this was a charge and should have sealed the deal for ISU. To compound matters, there is an at best marginal foul call on the player who was steamrolled sending KU to the line to tie the game.

2. There should have been a 5th foul on Withey. He was trying to foul at the end of the game and is even over by the bench waiting to be replaced. Instead, the foul is given to a player who did not touch the offensive player.

3. On the BI in the second half, one of the officials looks at the bigscreen during the conference. There is no way to know if they had time to see the play and whether it played into the decision or not.

Overall, a very disappointing outcome for the game of basketball.
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