Originally Posted by Manny A
I've also seen it where the pitcher will reach into her glove and pull the ball out while getting settled, and then look up for the sign. That, I assume, is a technical violation of the rule.
I would agree.
I was wondering about these and how they are ruled in ASA:
SITUATION 3: A pitcher uses a drying agent but fails to wipe it off before touching the ball. RULING: The pitcher does not need to wipe the drying agent off her hands. The only restriction is not to apply it directly to the ball. (6-2-2)
SITUATION 5: A pitcher places her hands in the dirt; however, she does not wipe the dirt from her hands before touching the ball. RULING: The pitcher does not need to wipe the dirt from her hands before going to the ball. Dirt is NOT a foreign substance; it is part of the field. The pitcher cannot, however, rub the ball into the dirt and deface it. (6-2-2)