I have been considering this product line
RiteTemp AthleticsAlso, stock up on PediaLyte and keep it in your cooler.
Pickles should also be in the cooler.
Last year in ASA State Tourney had three games on Friday night.
All three games went extra innings. Was on the field for just over 6 hours.
Temp was still 97 at midnight. Humidity was high and air was stagnant.
By the third game, it hurt just to breathe. It made me understand what "heavy air" is, and why you would move to the Rockies if you have respiratory issues.
Only got about 6 hours sleep that night and it wasn't a good sleep.
Next morning in my 2nd game I had to call for relief in the middle of the game. Could not finish the rest of the day.
Body did not recover from the previous night.
Started pounding PediaLyte around 4 pm on Saturday and into the night.
And was able to get back on the field for the Sunday games.