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Old Thu Feb 21, 2013, 06:11pm
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Originally Posted by Big Slick View Post
It isn't, but doesn't the fielder have the opportunity to make an out, without the interference from a retired runner? In contrast, the fielder does not have the same protection from a runner.
Sure, and it is the fielder's responsibility to execute a play as much as the runner is by trying to advance to the base to which s/he is entitled.

Doesn't matter, she isn't a runner She is a retired runner. Do we provide any other offensive member, ODB or base coach, any leeway?
Absolutely. A base coach is specifically exempt if they are hit by a batted or thrown ball unintentionally.


Only if the throw could have, imo, got the out. If the retired runner is not between the the two defensive players, the no out, egro no int.
That response definitely deserves a NSS!

Again, difference between runner and retired runner. Two different people, and yes, the same person has different status in an instant. Runner have a lot of rights, retired runners do not.
I disagree. The allegedly retired runner has every right to attempt a legal advance and should not be required to take the time to anticipate an out call. If that is the case, maybe all runners should just be ruled out the moment the ball is fielded and thrown toward the base to which they are advancing.

No, the Kung Pao made my day . Again, her status changed, she is now a retired runner. Yes, runners have the right to advance, but retired runners have the responsibility to not interfere.
Again, where is the act of interference?

To me, and I'm very much not a wordsmith, but when you "prevent," you very much "act." Sometimes doing nothing is an act. As in the Tennessee play, that we now have video, the player kept running, that was an "act." Sometimes players get caught in situations that just suck, and this is one of them.
Really? So when the light turns green, you can proceed and if the car in front of you doesn't move and you hit it, it's their fault because the light was green and they should have either proceeded or moved out of the way?

You can put it anyway you want, but it really sounds like you are making excuses for pitiful umpiring and weak interpretation. That's a shame.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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