Mon Feb 18, 2013, 12:05am
Keeper of the HAMMER
Join Date: Jan 2003
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Originally Posted by chapmaja
This is going to sound harsh, but at least one, if not both players shall leave the game.
What your question does not say is if the coach/trainer attended to just one of, or both of the team A players. If both were attended to, then both need to leave the game. The team captain/coach would then be allowed to choose who will take the free throws in replacement of A1, assuming she was attended to.
With all of that said, I would be making sure both players were actually attended to, and the coach/trainer didn't attend to one and just simple ask the other "Are you ok?"
You'll need some rules basis to back this up. If you beckon a coach, it doesn't matter if they attended to the player or not.
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