Originally Posted by APG
I doubt he was doing that to tell his partner he had a better angle or to be arrogant.
Did I say partner? I was meaning the crowd and the coaches. The thing is, there was no slide by the defender. The Trail demonstrating a slide was a fabrication. It's something that clearly did not happen, but the Trail used it to sell the call. That's what I think is "arrogant" -- to demonstrate something happening that clearly did not happen.
Originally Posted by APG
I think, more than likely, he's just trying to sell a really close call.
The only person claiming that is a "really close call" is the Trail in this very video. I have a PC foul, you have a PC foul, others in this thread have an "easy PC" foul. What he is trying to sell, is a wrong call. Which in this case he needs to demonstrate a slide which
did not happen.
Originally Posted by APG
Should the trail have let the lead get first crack at this play? Definitely...is it worth losing your cool over? Hell no...especially if it isn't a regular thing. I do agree that the lead did a good job of holding off on his signal..
When I say I would be flipping my ish, I mean internally. I would of course back up my partner, but would hope that I would not have to point out his error, but would have someone more senior do that. In a close game, this call could have an impact on the outcome, which could have been avoided if the Trail trusted his P to make the correct call.