Wed Feb 06, 2013, 08:58pm
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Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: NY
Posts: 128
Originally Posted by MD Longhorn
I believe that when reading a question like this, we must assume that things that happen before the supposed play were ruled upon correctly. So the 8-run thing being not invoked implies that there was a proper reason for it not to be invoked.
Using that as a given, I have TRUE as the answer to this question. (And a FAIL for the coach, who could have simply told her to sit on the base until they reset for the next pitch, and then step (or fall) off before the pitch, letting her be called out.
(I played a game once in my youth where our pitcher BROKE HIS LEG while swinging the bat ... and then played an inning in right field --- and threw out a player at the plate when a hit rolled right to him.)
You are the second person to say the same thing. I did not listen to the other person. I am wondering now if what they wanted is me to assume ??? Thanks