Originally Posted by DeputyUICHousto
I'm reading too much into this or not thinking it through but...if a runner going from 1st to 2nd is hit with a fair batted ball do we get the runner closest to home out also?
Apples and oranges, man. Think through the basic rules about interference in softball (with one NCAA exception that tries to follow smallball logic) and who is out.
1) The person who interferes is always the person that is out. (Here is the NCAA exception that would only cloud this point).
2) If the person that interferes cannot be called out on interference, it is always (again, except one exception for the traditional "turning two in the middle" doubleplay) the runner closest to home that is out.
#2 exists to cover 1) offensive players that are already out (like on an IFF

), 2) runners that have already scored, 3) offensive coaches, 4) on-deck batters, and 5) whatever idiot on the offensive team that left loose equipment on the field. There may be a type 6, but I can't think of one.
So, you are asking about a #1 interference penalty, when this thread is dealing with one form of #2 (NO, there isn't any such designation, just referring within this post for clarity.)