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Old Wed May 14, 2003, 10:14pm
Mike Burns Mike Burns is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Nov 2000
Posts: 237
I was hesitant to post, but it seems appropriate for this thread.

This is an excerpt from the Tower philosophy:
Officials are hired to officiate basketball games because the employer believes that he has basketball intelligence and an understanding of the mood and climate that prevails during a basketball game. The excellent official exercises mature judgment in each play situation in light of the basic philosophy stated. Inquiries indicate that some coaches and officials are too concerned over trivial or unimportant details about play situations during the game. Much time and thought is wasted in digging up hyper-technicalities, which are of little or no significance. In the Editor's travels, he finds that, unfortunately, in some Rules Clinics and officials' meetings and interpretation sessions there are those who would sidetrack the 'bread and butter' discussions too often and get involved with emotional discussions over situations that might happen once in a lifetime. In many instances, these very same officials are looking for a mechanical device and many times it is these very officials who are the ultra-literal minded, strict constructionists who have no faith in their own evaluation or judgment. This minority are those who are categorized as the excessive whistle blowers who are not enhancing our game: in fact, they hurt the game. They are the very ones who want a spelled-out and detailed rule for every tiny detail to replace judgment. The Basketball Rules Committee is looking for the official with a realistic and humanistic approaching officiating the game of basketball. Did he violate the spirit and intended purpose of the rule?"
I believe what is being said here is that we would actually be doing a disservice to the game, and to officiating, by having "Some officiating body figure out exactly what they want and write it....". JMHO
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