Morons like the commenters show up at every basketball game I work. Without any video, there's no way of knowing what kind of job these guys did. 80 years of experience means nothing to me -- it could be that maybe these guys can't keep up anymore. Maybe not.
(Last night I had a lady in the corner who had this grating voice and all she did was whine and complain about "fouls" we weren't calling and other things that showed her complete lack of basketball intelligence. I told my partner that if she was my wife, I'd probably mix myself a rat poison cocktail.)
That said, I can't believe how unprofessional it is for a writer for a paper to spend this much time writing a hack piece on the officials, no matter their quality. Someone needs a huge dose of perspective. I drove home last night, over 100 miles, on snow covered roads. It took me over 3 hours to get home. I have a check in hand for $115 (including $50 mileage money). Anyone who thinks we're doing this for the money (especially those of us who travel long distances to work varsity games) is a complete fool.
We have a guy here locally who does a pretty good job in the newspaper, but the other night wrote a series of tweets while covering a game that really hammered the officiating crew. To be fair, I looked up who was on the game and I'm sure some of what he wrote was the truth -- however, what good does it do for guys like this (and the writer of this article) to write crap like this?
Anyhow, as more media finds its way onto the web, I guess we're going to continue to see the BleacherReport-ization of sports reporting, where anyone who has the time and inclination to write complete crap that gets page views will continue to do so.