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Old Sat Feb 02, 2013, 10:25am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally Posted by upanddown View Post
We see it all the time with college and NBA and now high school officials (wanna be NCAA/NBA maybe?) using the same 2 handed signal for reporting players number to the table There was once a good reason for changing the number requirements on uniforms and I suspect it's where the One-Hand, one digit at a time signals began.

I remember the days of uniform numbers with 6,7,8,9 in basketball. I was a kid then.. So I'm curious when and why the numbering on uniforms changed to only digits 0-5? And now 00 is excluded as a legal number. Is it for the one-handed reporter?

How serious an issue is it here? Two groups of 36 officials selected to do boys and girls high school playoffs have been warned that the Evaluating Committee will not select officials who use the 2 hand method of reporting of fouls to call the State Playoffs. Is this going too far? or does the televised games for the state championships desire clear division between college and high school mechanics? I don't know, but appreciate sincere responses and information. Thanks again.
First, 00 is still a legal number.

Second, if your state want all HS mechanics, then it's a big deal. Here, they really want a prelimnary signal. I've been working hard to try to give one every time.
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