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Old Sat Feb 02, 2013, 03:01am
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally Posted by bainsey View Post
Before we get all caught up, allow me to ask this question...

What if the writer is telling the truth?
I cannot take anyone seriously that says "3 steps were taken...." to describe a traveling. It would have been worse if he said "2 and a half steps."

And I certainly do not take him seriously when a great deal of the evidence he gives are shooting numbers from the FT line. No mention of 3 point shots or other aspects of the actual game as well.

Originally Posted by ODog View Post
While I'm guessing STONGE in the comments below the article is a brother official and quite likely yooperbball ref, he didn't do the crew any favors by all but identifying one of the officials and stumbling through a barely coherent rant littered with grammar errors that will only serve to inflame a public just looking for another reason to be disgusted with officials.

That said, I find it hard to believe, especially from a sports writer who is wearing a "Jersey Shore"-style chain in his headshot for the site. I guess the refs aren't the only ones with poor judgment and lagging professionalism.
I do not think people on those sites with an article take the conversations that seriously. And if they do I would not really lose sleep over what they think. I doubt a comments in the article are going to make that big of a difference and I doubt seriously many people are bright enought to figure out if the person commenting is an official either.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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