Gotta Agree with Mike wholehearted. I show up, will work the game to the best of my ability, make decisions based on the rules and then go home.
I know what my job is. I umpire: I don't help, baby or coddle coaches. I don't give rules clinics. I don't help players. If a coach asks a question regarding the rules, I will answer it in a consise professional manner and dis-engage.
I personally find it annoying to have a pre-game with someone who gives a rules clinic or makes Ultimatums.
Could the umpire in question have handled things differently or better? Chances are "Yes" but hindsight is 20/20. Looking back there are alot of situations where I wished I would have handled better......But that is called experience.
I would also guess that the coach/team/parents in question have a reputation of "Bullying" umpires and couldn't this game.
We Don't Look for Problems.....They find Us.