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Old Mon Jan 28, 2013, 02:16pm
Scrapper1 Scrapper1 is offline
Lighten up, Francis.
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 4,626
Grasping backboard or basket and playing the ball

1) Didn't there used to be an article in 10-3 that dealt with grasping the backboard to gain an advantage? (Like holding on to the backboard with one hand and rebounding the ball with the other hand.) I can't seem to find it.

2) There is a case play, 10.3.3 Situation B, that says there's no penalty for grasping the ring to prevent injury. The only penalty would be if the ball contacts or passes through the basket while the player is still touching the ring. What if a player grasps the ring to prevent injury, but then plays the ball (outside the cylinder)? That can't be legal, right? But it's not a T for grasping, and it's not BI because the ball's outside the cylinder.

If there were still a citation for #1 above, I would apply it to situation #2 and call a technical foul. But I'm at a bit of a loss.

And btw, #2 actually happened last week in a high school game around here.
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