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Old Thu Jan 24, 2013, 05:27pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by JetMetFan View Post
Here are the five questions most missed on the IAABO exam last November.

*A-1’s throw-in is deflected into the backcourt by A-2, who is in the frontcourt. A-1 is the first to touch the ball in the backcourt. The official rules a legal play. Is the official correct?
(Yes, no control was established by an inbounds player.)
*Prior to the game, team A is assessed a technical foul. While the ball is at the disposal of the free thrower B-1, the official has the scorer set the possession arrow toward team A’s basket. Is the official correct?
(No, for a non-common foul the arrow isn't set until the ball is placed at the disposal of the thrower on the ensuing throw-in.)
*B-1 rebounds a missed try at A’s basket and passes the ball to a teammate near the division line. A-1 jumps from his/her frontcourt and secures control while both feet are off the floor. A-1 lands in the backcourt. The official rules a legal play. Is the official correct?
(Yes, defensive player exception.)
*A-1 commits his/her fifth foul and is disqualified. Prior to A-1 being replaced, team A requests a timeout. The official denies the request. Is the official correct?
(Yes, no time-out shall be granted until the DQ'd player is replaced.)
*Jumper A-1 taps the ball which hits the floor and jumper A-1 catches it. The official rules this a legal play. Is the official correct?
(Yes, the jump ball ends when the ball strikes the floor, so a jumper may then grab it.)
All of these questions seem fine to me.
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