Originally Posted by seanwestref
In 2-man, I think the trail should always get this. If the trial is table-side he should be close enough to both benches to hear an audible request. When the trail is opposite the table, he should be able to see a visual request. Certainly, the visual signal is easier to recognize than an audible one, but some awareness of the game situation will put you in a position to expect an audible request.
That is great in theory, but you may hear multiple people requesting a timeout and not one is the head coach. And the rule only requires the head coach to make that request. I have seen players or fans yelling while the head coach does nothing. Even in a 3-man it is often the opposite table officials that recognize the request. And mot of all not all coaches request in the same way to make themselves known. You can have all the game awareness in the world and not hear the coach. And not every coach has the same philosophy on calling timeouts either or wants them in the same situations.