Originally Posted by bob jenkins
My story: First half,. End of the court away from the bench. Scramble for the ball. Eventually a held ball. As I run past the coach, she asks, "DIdn't you hear me asking for a TO?"
Second half. Same spot on the court. SImilar play. I'm listneing harder. I hear a faint "Time out" coming from the far bench area. 'TWEET". "I didn't ask for a TO." :face palm:
Reminds me of the coach yelling "FIVE OUT" during some heated, contested play. Why would coaches name plays that sound like "TIME OUT"?
Another one happened last week -- as my partner was going by, a coach held up one single fist over his head. Apparently, to him this is a timeout request cause when my partner ran by, the coach got really animated because my partner missed "the fist."