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Old Fri Jan 18, 2013, 11:22am
Raymond Raymond is offline
Courageous When Prudent
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Hampton Roads, VA
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Originally Posted by #olderthanilook View Post
Well, coaches do seem to have much more to lose (financially and perhaps career wise) than we h.s. officials.

Most h.s. officials I know are not full time referees. They hold down full time jobs away from the court.

These coaches jobs are usually on the line year to year, contract to contract based on wins and losses. No, it's not the NBA where a firing happens at the whim of the owner (AD), but, it's similar in that regard.

Coaches are out there representing their school, drawing a salary and trying to win. We are out there having fun and picking up a $70 check for our ubiased efforts.
Coaches around here get a nominal stipend. It is not their full-time job either.

Still, what do their coaching careers have to do with who officiates their games? Picking officials who will give them "homer" calls is their ticket to greatness?
A-hole formerly known as BNR
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