"And don't brag about your post to anybody at the NFHS. They might wonder why one of their "consultants" didn't know who wrote The Medium is the Massage, which I was teaching at the college level at three deifferent universities in the 60's and 70s. The author was Marshall McLuhan."
Carl, please slow down and re-read my post . . .
"As a member of the NFHS publication committee:
"Printed media is dead.
"See Marshall McClune;
"The media is the message."
So I do know who Marshall McLuhan is . . . I just type poorly.
The NFHS PUBLISHES only one magazine these days. All other are on line.
Carl, think of glass houses . . . you criticize my spelling and you wrote (sic),
"deifferent" -- and of some "massage" -- before you go after me you should watch your own typing errors.
Darn Carl, I know you make a living writing, publishing and SELLING books . . . my entire work in this thread was COMPLAINING about the loss of published media.