Wed Jan 16, 2013, 09:10am
Get away from me, Steve.
Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 15,785
Originally Posted by CNJref
Is there any way to explain to a coach that contact doesn't necessarily mean there was a foul on the play? Had a play tonight in a low level game where an out of control player was on his way to the basket where he met a much bigger kid was standing in the same spot for a good second before contact occur. The offensive player was much smaller and was running full speed when he sort of jumped into the bigger guy, threw the shot up over his head, and hit the ground pretty hard. The defender did not move an inch before or after contact, and yet the offensive player and his coach where both in shock with the no call. The funny thing is the coach had the nerve to come up to me and my partner to question the call, and then question whether we have ever played basketball before (which is obviously besides the point but my partner and I have both played at a high level before switching to concentrate on reffing).
The coach is a jackwagon. The comment at the end of your paragraph would likely result in some free throws being shot.