Originally Posted by VaTerp
Completely disagree.
There is no unfair advantage being given.
The player with symptoms of a concussion needs to be further evaluated by appropriate health care professional. The player with blood does not. Two separate rules there.
Sitch/Question: A coach calls a timeout and as a player is walking to his bench you notice blood on his arm. Are you saying that you will not allow that player to return at the conclusion of the timeout provided that the blood situation has been taken care of?
Different scenario but...I will tell the coach that player has to have the blood situation taken care of by the end of the time out or he/she needs to be subbed out.
And you're right, there are two separate rules governing these situations. Both say the player must leave but one allows the player to return without medical evaluation.
Back to the situation in the OP: A1 is removed for the concussion situation. B1 is allowed to stay in the game. The coach of Team A says "Hey, B1 was supposed to go out too because he was bleeding/had blood on him." The response would be...?