Originally Posted by BktBallRef
If the coach doesn't have any timeouts, then we would have informed him of that. If the table tells the coach he has one timeout remaining and then says he doesn't have any when he calls it, then we haven't managed the game. Ignoring the situation isn't managing it.
Are you saying you keep up with the number of timeouts as they are used?
(I don't)
Otherwise, the exchange between the coach and the table could happen without our knowledge. Then, the table could discover the mistake? and not tell anyone until the next timeout is called. What could we have done to prevent this?
Here's what I would do at this point:
Table: He doesn't have any timeouts.
Coach: They just told me I
did have a timeout.
Me: Table, is this true?
Table: yes.......oops
Me: No T and no timeout. Play ball.